Package org.scopemvc.controller.basic

An implementation of Controller that responds to Controls issued by its View in response to user interaction, or from child Controllers as a result of the hierarchical chain of responsiblity (see HMVC: The layered pattern for developing strong client tiers for a general discussion of this pattern ).


Class Summary
BasicController Full implementation of Controller that adds: support for a View to notify its parent Controller when its bound model object is replaced with another (implemented completely in SwingView) via the CHANGE_MODEL_CONTROL_ID ControlID.
ViewContext ViewContext handles show/hide of views, errors and has some concept of the application's context.

Package org.scopemvc.controller.basic Description

An implementation of Controller that responds to Controls issued by its View in response to user interaction, or from child Controllers as a result of the hierarchical chain of responsiblity (see HMVC: The layered pattern for developing strong client tiers for a general discussion of this pattern ).

BasicController and the chain of responsibility

Controllers are responsible for determining application flow: ie they implement the system's use cases and transitions between them. This can be modelled as a statechart in which each state is a View and each state transition is represented by a Control.

A Controller can have a parent Controller, a single Model and a single View (by default -- multiple models and views can be handled manually), and can also create child Controllers to handle areas of functionality. (See BasicController.setParent(org.scopemvc.controller.basic.BasicController)).

A common pattern is to implement an application-level Controller that can take care of "global" use cases such as starting and ending a user session, and allow this Controller to create child Controllers that take care of self-contained subsystems (related sets of use cases). These subsystems can influence the "global" state of the application by simply issuing global Controls into the chain of responsiblity where they will bubble up to the application-level Controller through any intermediate Controllers.

The implementation of this bubbling is part of handleControl and doHandleControl :

Initialisation of child Controllers

As a result of this pattern, a Controller may be initialised with a specific View and Model passed to it by its parent, or it may be allowed to create its own View and Model.

Typically a parent will pass a View/Model pair into a child that is responsible for a part of the parent's state. For example, a CustomerManagementController may delegate Address Management to a child Controller that is used in other contexts within the application. In this case, the parent may have a CustomerManagementView that already contains an AddressManagementView. The child Controller will therefore be passed a reference to the subview by its parent. It would also be required in this case to use the AddressModel bound to its View rather than creating a new AddressModel. ***** INSERT DIAGRAM

Note that the BasicController implementation includes a mechanism for the child Controller in this case to keep track of the current Model behind its View even when that Model is changed as a result of the parent binding a new CustomerModel to the AddressManagementView. See the internal implementation of handleControl to see the handling of CHANGE_MODEL_CONTROL_ID which is correctly issued by the SwingView implementation.

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