Uses of Class

Packages that use ModelManager
org.scopemvc.core The core package establishes the fundamental patterns for the MVC implementation in Scope through the definition of a limited set of interfaces and classes. 

Uses of ModelManager in org.scopemvc.core

Subclasses of ModelManager in org.scopemvc.core
 class ActionManager
           ActionManager is a ModelManager that handles the actions (invokable methods) of model objects.
 class EditorManager
           EditorManager is a ModelManager that handles the creation of appropriate Viewer and Editor Views for the properties of model objects for a specific view type.
 class PropertyManager
           PropertyManager is a ModelManager that provides access to the properties of model objects.

Uses of ModelManager in org.scopemvc.model.beans

Subclasses of ModelManager in org.scopemvc.model.beans
 class BeansActionManager
           BeansActionManager is a ActionManager that handles the actions (invokable methods) of JavaBean model objects.
 class BeansEditorManager
           BeansEditorManager is a EditorManager that handles creation of editors and viewer for properties of JavaBean model objects.
 class BeansPropertyManager
           BeansPropertyManager is a PropertyManager that handles the properties of JavaBean model objects.

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