Uses of Package

Packages that use org.scopemvc.util
org.scopemvc.controller.servlet A servlet implementation that provides a simple implementation of the HMVC pattern for HTTP request handling. 
org.scopemvc.core The core package establishes the fundamental patterns for the MVC implementation in Scope through the definition of a limited set of interfaces and classes. 
org.scopemvc.util Utility classes that include two main areas of interest to application developers: ScopeConfig for configuring the Scope framework, and UIStrings used to look up user-readable Strings from localised resources. 

Classes in org.scopemvc.util used by org.scopemvc.controller.servlet
          Interface for creating poolable objects.

Classes in org.scopemvc.util used by org.scopemvc.core
           An Exception that implements LocalizedException.getLocalizedMessage() by looking up its message as an ID that is looked up in UIStrings to present the user with a localised message: message parameters passed in are substituted in the message as java.text.MessageFormat.

Classes in org.scopemvc.util used by org.scopemvc.util
          Pool of objects
          Interface for creating poolable objects.

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